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来源:http://www.ycgjglcl.com/ 日期:2024-09-21

20210309061124723(1)(2)  水泥稳定材料(cement stabilized material)是以水泥为结合料,通过加水与稳定材料共同拌和形成的混合料。包括水泥稳定级配碎石、水泥稳定级配砾石、水泥稳定石屑、水泥稳定土、水泥稳定砂等。将此混合物经摊铺、碾压和养生后,可作为路面的基层或底基层。水泥稳定碎石,是将水泥、级配碎石、石屑和水按一定比例混合搅拌,摊铺碾压后形成的一种半刚性结构层,在压实和养生后,其无侧限抗压强度符合规定的要求。

  Cement stabilized material is a mixture formed by mixing cement as a binder and stabilizing material with water. Including cement stabilized graded crushed stone, cement stabilized graded gravel, cement stabilized stone chips, cement stabilized soil, cement stabilized sand, etc. After paving, rolling, and curing, this mixture can be used as the base or sub base of the road surface. Cement stabilized crushed stone is a semi-rigid structural layer formed by mixing cement, graded crushed stone, stone chips, and water in a certain proportion, paving and rolling. After compaction and curing, its unconfined compressive strength meets the specified requirements.


  Cement stabilized crushed stone, as a pavement base material, has good mechanical properties, integrity, stability, durability, frost resistance, and technical characteristics that can be well combined with the surface layer. It has been widely used in highway pavement base or subbase. In order to fully utilize its excellent material functional characteristics, it is necessary to effectively carry out the construction process and management requirements of cement stabilized crushed stone, control all aspects of the entire construction management, and meet the quality requirements specified in the specifications.

  1 水泥稳定碎石作用原理水泥稳定碎石是以级配碎石作为集料,原材料质量控制要求水泥、集料的相关参数要达到规范要求,采用一定数量的胶凝材料和足够的灰浆体积填充骨料的空隙,按嵌挤原理摊铺压实。其压实度接近于密实度,强度主要靠碎石间的嵌挤锁结原理,同时有足够的灰浆体积来填充骨料的空隙。它的初期强度高,并且强度随龄期而增加很快结成板体,因而具有较高的强度、抗渗度和抗冻性较好。混合料的组成设计按照水泥稳定粒料保湿养生6d、浸水1d无侧限抗压强度3~5MPa的标准,确定水泥剂量和混合料的含水量。

  The principle of cement stabilized crushed stone is to use graded crushed stone as aggregate, and the quality control of raw materials requires that the relevant parameters of cement and aggregate meet the specification requirements. A certain amount of cementitious material and sufficient mortar volume are used to fill the gaps of the aggregate, and it is spread and compacted according to the principle of interlocking. Its compaction degree is close to that of compactness, and its strength mainly relies on the interlocking principle between crushed stones, while having sufficient mortar volume to fill the voids of the aggregate. Its initial strength is high, and its strength increases rapidly with age to form a board, thus it has high strength, good impermeability, and frost resistance. The composition design of the mixture is based on the standard of 3-5MPa unconfined compressive strength after 6 days of moisture retention and 1 day of immersion of cement stabilized aggregates, and the optimal cement dosage and moisture content of the mixture are determined.


  The cement dosage is generally 3% to 6% of the mixture, and the unconfined compressive strength for 7 days should be controlled at 5MPa. The actual mix ratio control strength is 4 to 4.5MPa, which is higher than other roadbed materials. Cement stabilized crushed stone, after survival, does not become muddy in the rain and has a solid surface, making it an ideal base material for high-grade road surfaces.

  2 材料的质量控制

  Quality control of materials

  2.1 水泥(1)水泥作为结合料的一种稳定剂,其质量控制是很重要的。可采用普通硅酸盐水泥、矿渣硅酸盐水泥、火山灰质硅酸盐水泥,强度等级为32.5或42.5。为使水泥稳定碎石有足够的时间进行拌和、运输、摊铺、碾压以及保证其具有足够的强度,不应使用快凝水泥、早强水泥以及受潮变质水泥。

  2.1 Cement (1) As a stabilizer for binders, quality control of cement is crucial. Ordinary Portland cement, slag Portland cement, and volcanic ash Portland cement can be used, with a strength grade of 32.5 or 42.5. In order to allow sufficient time for mixing, transportation, paving, rolling, and ensuring sufficient strength of cement stabilized crushed stone, fast setting cement, early strength cement, and moisture damaged cement should not be used.


  (2) The initial setting time of the cement used should be greater than 3 hours, and the final setting time should be greater than 6 hours and less than 10 hours.


  (3) Bulk cement is used, and it must be stored for 7 days after entering the tank. It can only be used after its stability is qualified; During high-temperature operations in summer, the temperature of cement entering the tank should not exceed 50 ℃, otherwise cooling measures should be taken.

  2.2 粗集料(1)碎石的粒径一般为31.5mm,宜按粒径19~31.5mm、9.5~19mm、4.75~9.5mm和0~4.75mm四种规格备料。建议采用坚硬、洁净、无杂质的玄武岩、石灰岩或辉绿岩。(2)石子压碎值、针片状颗粒含量、0.075mm以下粉尘含量、软石含量均应符合规范要求。2.3 细集料(1)细集料应洁净、干燥、无风化、无杂质,并有适当的级配。(2)细集料砂当量≥50%。实践证明,利用级配良好的碎石拌和的基层混合料强度高、稳定性好。

  2.2 Coarse aggregate (1) The maximum particle size of crushed stone is generally 31.5mm, and it is recommended to prepare materials in four specifications: 19-31.5mm, 9.5-19mm, 4.75-9.5mm, and 0-4.75mm. It is recommended to use hard, clean, and impurity free basalt, limestone, or diabase. (2) The crushing value of stones, the content of needle shaped particles, the content of dust below 0.075mm, and the content of soft stones should all meet the requirements of the specifications. 2.3 Fine aggregate (1) Fine aggregate should be clean, dry, free from weathering, impurities, and have appropriate gradation. (2) Fine aggregate sand equivalent ≥ 50%. Practice has proven that the base mixture mixed with well graded crushed stones has high strength and good stability.

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