来源: 日期:2023-09-18
Road machinery and equipment are professional equipment used for road construction and maintenance, commonly including the following types of equipment:
1. 摊铺机:用于铺设和压实沥青混凝土或水泥混凝土路面材料,确保路面平整和牢固。
1. Paver: used to lay and compact asphalt concrete or cement concrete pavement materials, ensuring a smooth and firm road surface.
2. 路面铣刨机:用于将旧路面表层剥离或修整,以便重新铺设新的路面材料。
2. Road milling machine: used to peel off or repair the surface of old road surfaces in order to lay new road materials.
3. 压路机:用于将路面材料进行压实,提高路面的密实度和稳定性。
3. Road roller: used to compact road materials and improve the compactness and stability of the road surface.
4. 路面热再生设备:通过加热、剥离和再生旧路面材料,实现环保、高效地回收再利用。
4. Road thermal regeneration equipment: By heating, peeling, and regenerating old road materials, it achieves environmentally friendly and efficient recycling and reuse.
5. 除尘设备:在路面施工过程中产生的扬尘是环境污染的主要源头,除尘设备可以有效地减少施工现场的粉尘排放。

5. Dust removal equipment: Dust generated during road construction is the main source of environmental pollution, and dust removal equipment can effectively reduce dust emissions at the construction site.
6. 配料站和搅拌站:用于生产制动混凝土或沥青混凝土的设备,负责材料的配比、计量和搅拌。
6. Batching station and mixing station: Equipment used for producing brake concrete or asphalt concrete, responsible for material proportioning, metering, and mixing.
7. 路面标线机:用于绘制道路标线,包括实线、虚线、箭头等,提高道路交通的安全性和有序性。
7. Road marking machine: used to draw road markings, including solid lines, dashed lines, arrows, etc., to improve the safety and order of road traffic.
8. 路面修补设备:用于道路表面的维修和补漏,包括修复路面坑洞、裂缝等问题。
8. Road surface repair equipment: used for repairing and repairing road surfaces, including repairing road potholes, cracks, and other issues.
The above are some common road machinery and equipment, and different projects require the use of different equipment for construction and maintenance.